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Correne Curtin Wirt, M.D. , FAAP

photo: Dr. WirtDr. Correne Wirt opened Brighton Pediatrics in December 2002, with hopes of creating a more personalized medical environment for her patients. Previously she worked in a large and reputable pediatrics group caring for many children throughout Monroe county.

She was trained in Pediatrics at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. She earned her medical degree from the State University of NY at Stony Brook's Health Science Center School of Medicine, where she graduated Alpha-Omega-Alpha.

Dr. Wirt is Board Certified and a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. She is a member of the Medical Society of the State of New York, the Monroe County Medical Society, and the Rochester Pediatric Society.

Doctor Wirt is well respected among the Pediatric community, and is affiliated with Strong Memorial Hospital and Highland Hospital. She is currently welcoming new patients to her practice.


Brighton Pediatrics - 169 Rue De Ville - Rochester, NY 14618 - Phone: (585) 256-1910 - Fax: (585) 256-2132